Quick Start- Installation and Setup

Get Started with Padma

:warning: This is still a work in progress …

:information_source: Summary Headless Strapi with Nextjs
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository https://github.com/js-template/padma

Step 1: Fork the Repository

Click the “Fork” button at the top right of this GitHub Padma repository to copy it to your account.

Step 2: Set Up Environment Variables

Open the project in code editor. In both the apps/backend and apps/site folders, create a .env file and add the required environment variables. The .env.example files will guide you on what’s needed.

Step 3: Run the Backend

To start the backend (Strapi CMS), from root of project run the following commands:

pnpm -F backend dev

This will launch the frontend, and the site will be accessible at

Step 4: Run the Frontend

In another terminal, navigate to the apps/site directory and run:

pnpm -F site dev

This will launch the frontend, and the site will be accessible at http://localhost:3000.

PNPM Installation (Recommended):

npm install pnpm@latest -g

NOTE: If you are not familiar with coding, version control (GitHub), or hosting, please contact our support team at support@jstemplate.net. We will assist you. :raised_hands:


Open the code in your code editor and terminal.

Run the following command:

pnpm install

It will start on your localhost at http://localhost:3000.

Build For Production

To build for production, run the following command:

pnpm build

For more details on setting up and customizing the project, please refer to the full documentation linked below. :books: